Rewriting Classes

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Rewriting behaviors is a useful method for overwriting the behavior of certain classes used in units of which you don't have an easy way of rewriting the unit file. For example, this method can be used to modify or add functionality to the Player behavior. To do this, you will have to create a class and inherit it from the original behavior. So, for the Player example:

class MyPlayer : Player
  MyPlayer(UnitPtr unit, SValue& params)
    super(unit, params);

  void Update(int dt) override

    // Do stuff!

Then, in your scenario's info.xml file, add the following:

  <behavior from="Player" to="MyPlayer" />

Now when you start your Scenario, MyPlayer will be used instead of Player.

The same can be accomplished for objects instantiated via InstantiateClass (for example the Damage effect), using the script tag. Gamemode classes can also be rewritten using the gamemode tag.

  <script from="Damage" to="MyDamage" />
  <gamemode from="Survival" to="MySurvival" />