Creating a GameMode

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Gamemodes define rules about what should happen on a level. They are set in a level file. Typically when making a gamemode, you'll want to inherit the class from either BaseGameMode, VersusGameMode, or TeamVersusGameMode. Or, if you're just adding something very simple to an existing gamemode, you can also inherit from Campaign, Survival, Deathmatch, etc.

The most basic plain gamemode you can make is this:

class BasicGamemode : BaseGameMode
	BasicGamemode(Scene@ scene)

The above script will simply spawn a player in the map without any weapons and no HUD. If we wanted to give the player a few weapons for example, we'd add the following override provided by BaseGameMode:

void SpawnPlayer(int i, vec2 pos = vec2(), int unitId = 0, uint team = 0) override
	BaseGameMode::SpawnPlayer(i, pos, unitId, team);

	// Give weapons

	// Give ammo
	g_players[i].GiveAmmo("weapons/ammo/bolts.sval", 30);
	g_players[i].GiveAmmo("weapons/ammo/bullets.sval", 500);

Standard functions

   void Start(uint8, SValue@, StartMode)
   SValue@ Save()
   void AddPlayer(uint8)
   void RemovePlayer(uint8, bool)
   void UpdateFrame(int, GameInput&, MenuInput&)
   void UpdatePausedFrame(int, GameInput&, MenuInput&)
   void PreRenderFrame(int)
   void RenderFrame(int, SpriteBatch&)
   void ResizeWindow(int, int, float)
   void Paused(bool)
   vec2 GetCameraPos(int)
   vec4 GetVignette(int)

Menu functions

   void LobbyCreated(bool loadingSave)
   void LobbyInviteAccepted()
   void LobbyEntered()
   void LobbyDataUpdate()
   void LobbyMemberDataUpdate(uint8)
   void LobbyList(array<uint64>@)
   void SetMenuState(MenuState)
   bool MenuBack()
   void ShowMessage(MenuMessage)
   void OnBindingInput(ControllerType, int)
   void ChatMessage(uint8, string)